This is the bibliography of eight part book/dissertation written by Aaron Barlow. Click here to read the other chapters.


Primary Sources

Cover, Arthur Bryon. "Vertex Interviews Philip K. Dick." Vertex (February, 74). 34-37, 96-98.

Dick, Philip K. Clans of the Alphane Moon. London: Panther Books, 1975.

-----. The Collected Short Stories of Philip K. Dick. Los Angeles: Underwood Miller, 1987.

-----. Confessions of a Crap Artist. New York: Entwhistle Books, 1975.

-----. The Cosmic Puppets. New York: Berkley Books, 1983.

-----. Counter-Clock World. New York: Berkley Books, 1974.

-----. The Crack in Space. London: Magnum, 1977.

----- and Roger Zelazny. Deus Irae. New York: Dell Books, 1980.

-----. The Divine Invasion. New York: Timescape/Pocket Books, 1981.

-----. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? New York: Del Rey/Ballantine, 1982.

-----. Dr. Bloodmoney. New York: Dell, 1980.

-----. Dr. Futurity. New York: Berkley, 1984.

-----. Eye in the Sky. London, Arrow Books, 1971.

-----. Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said. New York: DAW, 1974.

-----. Galactic Pot-Healer. London: Gollancz, 1971.

-----. The Game-Players of Titan. Boston: Gregg Press, 1979.

----- and Ray Nelson. The Ganymede Takeover. New York: Ace, 1977.

-----. I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon, Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1986.

-----. Lies, Inc. London: Panther/Granada, 1984.

-----. "Man, Android and Machine." Science Fiction at Large. Ed. Peter Nicholls. New York: Harper & Row, 1976. 199-224.

-----. The Man in the High Castle. New York: Berkley Books, 1974.

-----. The Man Who Japed. New York: Ace Books, 1956.

-----. The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike. Willimantic, CT: Mark V. Ziesing, 1984.

-----. Martian Time-Slip. New York: Del Rey/Ballantine, 1981.

-----. Mary and the Giant. New York: Arbor House, 1987.

-----. A Maze of Death. New York: Paperback Library, 1971.

-----. In Milton Lumky Territory. Pleasantville, NY: Dragon Press, 1985.

-----. Now Wait for Last Year. New York: Manor Books, 1976.

-----. Our Friends From Frolix 8. New York: Ace Books, 1970.

-----. The Penultimate Truth. New York: Dell, 1980.

-----. Puttering About in a Small Land. Chicago: Academy Chicago, 1975.

-----. Radio Free Albemuth. New York: Arbor House, 1985.

-----. A Scanner Darkly. New York: DAW Books, 1977.

-----. The Simulacra. London: Methuen, 1977.

-----. Solar Lottery. New York: Ace, 1975.

-----. The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. Boston: Gregg Press, 1979.

-----. Time Out of Joint. New York: Dell, 1979.

-----. The Transmigration of Timothy Archer. New York: Timescape/Simon & Schuster, 1982.

-----. Ubik. London: Panther/Granada, 1973.

-----. The Unteleported Man. New York: Berkley Books, 1983.

-----. VALIS. New York: Bantam, 1981.

-----. Vulcan's Hammer. Boston: Gregg Press, 1979.

-----. We Can Build You. New York: DAW Books, 1972.

-----. The World Jones Made. New York: Ace Books, 1956.

-----. The Zap Gun. New York: Bluejay Books, 1985.

Hayles, N.K. "Metaphysics and Metafiction in The Man in the High Castle." Philip K. Dick. Ed. Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Taplinger, 1983. 53-71.

Jung, Carl. Foreword. The I Ching. "The Richard Wilhelm Translation rendered into English by Cary F. Baynes." Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1967.

Lem, Stanislav. "Philip K. Dick: A Visionary Among the Charlatans." Science-Fiction Studies 5, Vol. 2, March, 1975.

Lupoff, Richard. Introduction. A Handful of Darkness. Boston: Gregg Press, 1978. v-xviii.

Murphy, Frank Hughes. Yeats's Early Poetry: The Quest for Reconciliation. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1975.

Platt, Charles. "Philip K. Dick: An Interview." Dream Makers: The Uncommon People Who Write Science Fiction. New York: Berkley Books, 1980.

-----. "Introduction." The Zap Gun. By Philip K. Dick. Boston: Gregg Press, 1979. v-xii.

Pynchon, Thomas. V. New York: Harper & Row, 1986.

Rickman, Gregg. Philip K. Dick: In His Own Words. Long Beach, CA: Fragments West, 1984.

Robinson, Kim Stanley. The Novels of Philip K. Dick. Diss. U of California, San Diego, 1983. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1984.

Stableford, Brian K. "Philip K. Dick, 1928- ." Science Fiction Writers: Critical Studies of the Major Authors From the Early Nineteenth Century to the Present Day. Ed. Everett Franklin Bleiler. New York: Scribners, 1982. 337-343.

Stathis, Lou. Afterword. Time Out of Joint. By Philip K.

Dick. New York: Bluejay Books, 1984. 256-263.

Tolley, Michael J. "Beyond the Enigma: Dick's Questors."

The Stellar Gauge: Essays on Science Fiction Writers. Ed. Michael J. Tolley and Kirpal Singh. Carlton, Victoria, Australia: Norstrilia Press, 1980.

Warrick, Patricia. Mind in Motion: The Fiction of Philip K. Dick. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1987.

Williams, Paul. Only Apparently Real: The World of Philip K. Dick. New York: Arbor House, 1986.

Secondary Sources

Abrash, Merritt. "Elusive Utopias: Societies as Mechanisms in the Early Fiction of Philip K. Dick." Clockwork Worlds: Mechanized Environments in SF. Ed. Richard D. Erlich and Thomas P. Dunn. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1983.

Aldiss, Brian. Billion Year Spree. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1973. [Check Trillion Year Spree]

-----. "Dick's Maledictory Web, About and Around Martian Time-Slip." Science-Fiction Studies 5, Vol. 2, March, 1975.

-----. Introduction. Martian Time-Slip. By Philip K. Dick. London: New English Library, 1976.

Barlow, John. "Using Each Other: An Analysis of Leadership as Operant Conditioning." Behaviorists for Social Action Journal 4, 1984, ii, 20-23.

Bishop, Michael. "In Pursuit of Ubik." Philip K. Dick. Ed. Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Taplinger, 1983. 137-147.

-----. Introduction. Ubik. Boston: Gregg Press, 1979.

Boonstra, John. "Philip K. Dick 1928-1982: An Interview." Rod Serling's Twilight Zone Magazine (June, 82). 44-52.

Bray, Mary Kay. "Mandalic Activism: An Approach to Structure, Theme, and Tone in Four Novels by Philip K. Dick." Extrapolation 21 (1980): 146-157.

Brunner, John. "The Reality of Philip K. Dick." The Best of Philip K. Dick. By Philip K. Dick. New York: Del Rey, 1977. ix-xiv.

-----. "The Work of Philip K. Dick." New Worlds 166, (1966): 142-149.

-----. Introduction. The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick, Vol. 3. Los Angeles: Underwood/Miller, 1987.

Chang, Glenn. Introduction. The World Jones Made. By Philip K. Dick. Boston: Gregg Press, 1979. v-xiv.

Christiansen, Peder. "The Classical Humanism of Philip K. Dick." Women Worldwalkers: New Dimensions of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Ed. Jane B. Weedman. Lubbock: Texas Tech Press, 1985.

DePrez, Daniel. "An Interview with Philip K. Dick." Science Fiction Review 19, August, 76. 6-12.

Disch, Thomas. "Toward the Transcendent: An Introduction to Solar Lottery and Other Works." Philip K. Dick. Ed. Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Taplinger, 1983. 13-25.

-----. "Phil Dick: Cult Star in a Martian Sky." Crawdaddy (December 75). 81-82.

-----. "A Review of The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike." Rod Serling's Twilight Zone Magazine (December, 84).

-----. Afterword. The Penultimate Truth. By Philip K. Dick. New York: Bluejay Books, 1984. 192-201.

-----. Introduction. The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick, Vol. 5. Los Angeles: Underwood/Miller, 1987.

Fekete, John. "The Transmigration of Philip K. Dick." Science Fiction Studies, March, 1984. 78-81.

Fitting, Peter. "Ubik: The Deconstruction of Bourgeois SF." Science-Fiction Studies #5, Vol. 2, March, 1975.

-----. "Reality as Ideological Construct: A Reading of FIve Novels by Philip K. Dick." Science Fiction Studies, July, 1983. 219-326.

Freedman, Carl. "Toward a Theory of Paranoia: The Science Fiction of Philip K. Dick." Science Fiction Studies 32 (1984): 15-24.

Galbreath, Robert. "Salvation-Knowledge: Ironic Gnosticism in VALIS and The Flight to Lucifer." SF Dialogues. Ed. Gary Wolfe. Chicago: Academy Chicago, 1982. 115-132.

Gillespie, Bruce. "Contradictions." Philip K. Dick: Electric Shepherd. Ed. Bruce Gillespie. Melbourne, Australia: Norstrilia Press, 1975. 22-30.

-----. "Mad, Mad Worlds: Seven Novels of Philip K. Dick." Philip K. Dick: Electric Shepherd. Ed. Bruce Gillespie. Melbourne, Australia: Norstrilia Press, 1975. 9-21.

-----, ed. Philip K. Dick: Electric Shepherd. Melbourne, Australia: Norstrilia Press, 1975.

-----. "The Real Thing." Philip K. Dick: Electric Shepherd. Ed. Bruce Gillespie. Melbourne, Australia: Norstrilia Press, 1975. 34-44.

Goodlife, Fax. Introduction. Vulcan's Hammer. By Philip K. Dick. Gregg Press, 1979. v-xi.

Green, Terence. "Philip K. Dick: A Parallax View." Science Fiction Review 5 (May, 76). 12-15.

Hardesty, William H. III. "Science Fiction and the American Dream." Essays in Arts and Sciences 9 (19??): 203-215.

Hartwell, David G. Introduction. Counter-Clock World. By Philip K. Dick. Boston: Gregg Press, 1979.

Hogan, Patrick. "Philip K. Dick." Twentieth-Century American Science-Fiction Writers. Ed. David Cowart & Thomas Wymer. Detroit: Gale Research, 1981.

Hurst, Mark. Foreword. The Golden Man. By Philip K. Dick. New York: Berkley, 1980.

Jameson, Fredric. "After Armageddon: Character Systems in Dr. Bloodmoney. Science-Fiction Studies 5, Vol. 2, March, 1975.

Keeling, Thomas H. "Science Fiction and the Gothic." Bridges to Science Fiction. Ed. George E. Slusser, George R. Guffey, Mark Rose. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois UP, 1980. 107-119.

Kinney, Jay. "The Mysterious Gnosis of Philip K. Dick." Critique 11/12, Spring/Summer 1983.

Klein, Gerald. "Discontent in American Science Fiction." Trans. Darko Suvin and Leila Lecorps. Science-Fiction Studies 4 (1977): 3-13.

Knight, Damon. In Search of Wonder. 2nd Ed. Chicago: Advent, 1967. 228-35.

LeGuin, Ursula K. "Science Fiction as Prophesy: Philip K. Dick." New Republic (30 October, 76). 33-34.

Lem, Stanislav. "Science Fiction: A Hopeless Case--With Exceptions." Philip K. Dick: Electric Shepherd. Ed. Bruce Gillespie. Melbourne, Australia: Norstrilia Press, 1975. 69-94.

-----. "Science and Reality in Philip K. Dick's Ubik." Trans. Werner Koopman. A Multitude of Visions. Cy Chauvin, ed. Baltimore: T-K Graphics, 1975.

Levack, Daniel J.H., comp. A Philip K. Dick Bibliography. San Francisco: Underwood/Miller, 1981.

Lupoff, Richard. "The Realities of Philip K. Dick." Starship 16, Summer, 1979. 29-33.

Mackey, Douglas. "Philip K. Dick and the Physics of the Unified Field." Unpublished.

McNelly, Willis E. and R.D. Mullen. "Philip K. Dick: Manuscripts and Books." Science-Fiction Studies. Ed. R.D. Mullen and Darko Suvin. Boston: Gregg Press, 1976.

Malmgren, Carl D. "Philip K. Dick's Man in the High Castle and the Nature of Science-Fictional Worlds." Bridges to Science Fiction. Ed. George E. Slusser, George R. Guffey, & Mark Rose. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois UP, 1980. 120-130.

Malzberg, Barry. "Afterword." Clans of the Alphane Moon. By Philip K. Dick. New York: Bluejay Books, 1984. 253-269.

Miesel, Sandra. Introduction. Eye in the Sky. By Philip K. Dick. Boston: Gregg Press, 1979. v-xiv.

Milicia, Joseph. Introduction. The Man in the High Castle. By Philip K. Dick. Boston: Gregg Press, 1979.

Mullen, R.D. & Darko Suvin, ed. Science-Fiction Studies.

Boston: Gregg Press, 1976.

Olander, Joseph & Martin Greenberg, ed. Philip K. Dick. New York: Taplinger, 1983.

Pagetti, Carlo. "Dick and Meta-SF." Science-Fiction Studies 5, Vol. 2, March, 1975.

"Philip K. Dick." Twentieth-Century Science-Fiction Writers. Ed. Curtis C. Smith. New York: St. Martin's, 1981.

The Philip K. Dick Society Newsletter. Ed. Paul Williams. Box 611, Glen Ellen, CA 95442.

Pierce, Hazel. Philip K. Dick. Mercer Island, Washington:

Starmont, 1982.

-----. "Philip K. Dick's Political Dreams." Philip K. Dick. Ed. Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Taplinger, 1983. 105-135.

Platt, Charles. "The Ideos Cosmos of Philip K. Dick." Ad Astra Vol. 1, No. 6, 1979.

Purser, Philip. "Even Sheep Can Upset Scientific Detachment." The Daily Telegraph Magazine, 506. July 19, 1974.

Rabkin, Eric. "Irrational Expectations, or How Economics and the Post-Industrial World Failed Philip K. Dick." Unpublished.

Rickman, Gregg. "Philip K. Dick and the Search for Caritas." Philip K. Dick: In His Own Words. Long Beach, CA: Fragments West, 1984. 9-42.

-----. Philip K. Dick: The Last Testament. Long Beach, CA: Fragments West/The Valentine Press, 1985.

Scholes, Robert, and Eric Rabkin. Science Fiction: History,

Science, Vision. New York: Oxford UP, 1977.

Silverberg, Robert. Introduction. Clans of the Alphane Moon. By Philip K. Dick. Boston: Gregg Press, 1979.

-----. Foreword. Philip K. Dick: The Last Testament. By Gregg Rickman. Long Beach, CA: Fragments West/The Valentine Press, 1985.

Spinrad, Norman. Introduction. Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb. Boston: Gregg Press, 1977.

-----. Introduction. The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick, Vol. 2. Los Angeles: Underwood/Miller, 1987.

Stableford, Brian K. "Philip K. Dick, 1928- ." The Science

Fiction Encyclopedia. Ed. Peter Nicholls. Garden City, NY: Doubleday/Dolphin Books, 1979. 168-169.

Stathis, Lou. Introduction. Time Out of Joint. By Philip K. Dick. Boston: Gregg Press, 1979.

Suvin, Darko. "Artifice as Refuge and World View: Philip K.

Dick's Foci." Philip K. Dick. Ed. Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Taplinger, 1983. 73-95.

-----. "P.K. Dick's Opus: Artifice As Refuge and World View." Science-Fiction Studies 5, Vol. 2, March, 1975.

Taylor, Angus. Philip K. Dick and the Umbrella of Light.

Baltimore: T-K Graphics, 1975.

-----. "The Politics of Space, Time, and Entropy." Foundation 10 (June 76). 34-44.

-----. "Can God Fly? Can He Hold Out His Arms and Fly?--The Fiction of Philip K. Dick." Foundation 4, July, 1973. 32-47.

Thurston, Robert. Introduction. The Game Players of Titan. By Philip K. Dick. Boston: Gregg Press, 1979. v-xix.

Tiptree, James, Jr. Introduction. The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick, Vol. 4. Los Angeles: Underwood/Miller, 1987.

Turner, George. "Now Wait For Last Year." Philip K. Dick:

Electric Shepherd. Ed. Bruce Gillespie. Melbourne,

Australia: Norstrilia Press, 1975. 46-47.

-----. "Philip K. Dick Saying It All Over Again." Philip K. Dick: Electric Shepherd. Ed. Bruce Gillespie. Melbourne, Australia: Norstrilia Press, 1975. 47-48.

-----. "Philip K. Dick by 1975: Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said." Philip K. Dick: Electric Shepherd. Ed. Bruce Gillespie. Melbourne, Australia: Norstrilia Press, 1975. 94-100.

Tymn, Marshall B., Comp. "Philip K. Dick: A Bibliography."

Philip K. Dick. Ed. Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Taplinger, 1983. 241-148.

Vilale, Joe. "An INterview with America's Most Brilliant Science-Fiction Writer." The Aquarian, October 11-18, 1978.

Warren, Eugene. "The Search for Absolutes." Philip K. Dick. Ed. Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Taplinger, 1983. 161-187.

Warren, F.E. "Philip K. Dick: Exile in Paradox." Christianity Today (May 20, 1977).

Warrick, Patricia. "The Labyrinthian Process of the Artificial: Philip K. Dick's Androids and Mechanical Constructs." Philip K. Dick. Ed. Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Taplinger, 1983. 189-214.

-----. "The Encounter of Taoism and Facism in The Man in The High Castle." Philip K. Dick. Ed. Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Taplinger, 1983. 27-52.

-----. The Cybernetic Imagination in Science Fiction. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1980. 206-230.

-----. "Philip K. Dick's Answers to the Eternal Riddles." The Transcendent Adventure. Ed. Robert Reilly. Westport, CO: Greenwood Press, 1984.

Watson, Ian. "LeGuin's Lathe of Heaven and the Role of Dick: The False Reality as Mediator." Science-Fiction Studies #5, Vol. 2, March, 1975.

Williams, Paul. Introduction. Confessions of a Crap Artist. By Philip K. Dick. New York: Entwhistle, 1977.

-----. Introduction. The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. By Philip K. Dick. Boston: Gregg Press, 1979. v-xx.

-----. Only Apparently Real: The World of Philip K. Dick. New York: Arbor House, 1986.

Wolk, Anthony. "Philip K. Dick." Twentieth-Century Science-Fiction Writers. Ed. Curtis C. Smith. New York: St. Martin's, 1981.

-----. "The Sunstruck Forest: A Guide to the Short Fiction of Philip K. Dick." Foundation (January, 80).

-----. "The Swiss Connection: Psychological Systems in Philip K. Dick." Mosaic, 1980.

Zelazny, Roger. Foreword. Philip K. Dick: In His Own Words. By Gregg Rickman. Long Beach, CA: Fragments West, 1984. vii-xxii.

-----. Forword. Philip K. Dick: Electric Shepherd. Ed. Bruce Gillespie. Melbourne, Australia: Norstrilia Press, 1975.

-----. Introduction. The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Vol. 1. Los Angeles: Underwood/Miller, 1987.