To the Novels of Philip K. Dick To The Novels
To the Short Stories of PKD To the Short Stories
Thanks to all who Helped To the Credits
Odds & Ends of PKDiana Essays & Extras
E Dika! To E Dika

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All kinds of interesting odds and ends here. Click something below

To our ezine E Dika! Short-stories from Dickheads the universe over!
The Swibble Page.:Bibliographic formatting, abbreviations,chronology,etc.
Collector's Notes: FOR DICKHEADS ONLY by Lord RC
Notes on PKD Translations

An Interview with Philip K. Dick by D.S.Apel and K.Briggs
The missing pages of THE UNTELEPORTED MAN by PKD
Some short reviews of PKD stories
A review of K.W. Jeter's Bladerunner 2 by Dave hyde
A short History of EYE IN THE SKY by Lord RC (from FDO#6)
PKD's "How to Build A Universe..."
A brief biography of Philip K. Dick by Lord RC
Some PKD Quotes
A Maze Of Death: Or what we did on our Summer vacation,
by Dave Hyde (from FDO#1)
Essay on SOLAR LOTTERY by Barb Morning Child (from FDO#4)
Essay on SOLAR LOTTERY by Lord RC (from FDO#4)
PKD's "The Android And The Human"
The PKD papers at Bowling Green State University
by Dave Hyde (From FDO#3)
Essay on THE COSMIC PUPPETS by Barb Morning Child (from FDO#3)
An Interview with PKD:  "The Mainstream That Through The Ghetto Flows"
Essay on THE WORLD JONES MADE by Barb Morning Child (from FDO#2)
THE WORLD JONES MADE an essay by Dave Hyde (from FDO#2)
From VALIS: The Tractatces Cryptica Scriptura
Essay on "Beyond Lies The Wub" by Lord RC (from FDO#5)
PKD's "Man, Android and Machine"
Correspondence With The Ganymedean Slime Mold
-- Dave Hyde and Greg Lee
Stretch on a  PKD Story Fragment in RFPKD#2 by Dave Hyde
We Are The Center Of The Universe by Philip K. Dick
A bitch on the Golancz edition of THE COLLECTED STORIES OF PHILIP K. DICK
A Survey of Study Materials on PKD by Dave Hyde

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