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By Malcolm W. Browne, New York Times The race to find an elusive but all-important particle called the Higgs boson heated up last week when Europe's most powerful accelerator reached an energy that may bring the target within range. Because of its presumably vital
importance to universal existence,
the Higgs boson was dubbed "The
God Particle" in the title of a book by
Dr. Leon Lederman, a Nobel laureate in physics. The godlike importance ascribed
to the Higgs is based
on the belief that its interactions
endow all the constituents of matter
with mass; it is the universal giver of
The achievement means that
CERN can run its LEP accelerator
"flat out, during its last years of
service," a spokesman said, with
electrons and antielectrons hitting
each other at combined energies of
200 billion electron-volts. If the lightest Higgs particle weighs less
this, it may be created and found in a
matter of months.
But if the lightest Higgs is marginally heavier than this, it will be beyond
the reach of the LEP accelerator, and the prize might go to
CERN's major rival, the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory at Batavia, Ill.
Fermilab recently completed a
major upgrade of its Tevatron proton-antiproton accelerator that will
pump far more colliding particles
into its beams than was possible before. Many more collisions will occur, giving
Fermilab physicists a
better chance of finding the rare
events expected to signal the creation and discovery of Higgs bosons.
There may be as many as five
different Higgs particles working together as part of the "Higgs mechanism" -- a
hypothetical system that
could explain why all other particles
have the masses they do. A study of
the Higgs mechanism, if it is found,
could also tidy up known flaws in the
"Standard Model" theory, which accounts for the different types of
quarks and leptons that make up all
The Higgs boson is named for Dr.
Peter Higgs, a Scottish theorist, who
in the 1960's found hints of the particle's existence in equations
describing the known constituents of matter.
No one can predict how massive
the Higgs will turn out to be, except
that it must be very heavy. But the
lightest possible Higgs boson may
weigh as little as 109 billion electron-volts -- somewhat less than the mass
of an atom of silver.
If the lightest Higgs particle
weighs a little more than an atom of
silver, the Europeans will fail to find
a Higgs in the next few months and
Fermilab will have a good chance of
making the discovery a little later.
Dr. Lederman, a former director of
Fermilab, likens the situation to a
horse race.
The competition between CERN
and Fermilab for the Higgs particle
is reminiscent of a similar race in
the 1980's for the W and Z bosons --
"vector" particles that transmit the
"weak" nuclear force between other
The CERN proton accelerator's
energy was barely sufficient for the
quest. But a Dutch physicist, Dr.
Simon van der Meer, and CERN's
director at the time, Dr. Carlo Rubbia, found an ingenious way to bunch
colliding protons together, and the
technique enabled them to snag the
W and Z bosons.
Dr. Rubbia and Dr. van der Meer
were awarded the 1984 Nobel Prize
for their discovery. Almost certainly,
a Nobel Prize also awaits the winner
of the Higgs race.
But both Europe's LEP accelerator and Fermilab's Tevatron are
past their prime.
Next year CERN's LEP accelerator will shut down to make way for a
new accelerator, the Large Hadron
Collider, which will occupy the same
circular 17-mile tunnel that now
holds LEP. When the new hadron
collider begins operation in 2005 it
will be by far the most powerful and
important accelerator in the world,
easily outdistancing Fermilab's capabilities.
If the current search by Fermilab
and CERN for the Higgs boson turns
up dry, CERN's new hadron machine
will have a much better chance of
finding not only the Higgs but also
one or more exotic "supersymmetric" particles. Many theorists believe that for
every particle known to
exist there is a complementary particle that has yet to be discovered.
The discovery of such a supersymmetric particle would prompt a revolution
in physics.